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The movements for the right to the city are flourishing in different cities of the world as a response to the life conditions imposed by neoliberal politics. Civil society is organising to claim for politics about housing, struggling against those who privatize territories and worsen the living conditions of citizens. Added to that, most of the local councils are failing at their attempts to implement public policies to protect public space and material and immaterial heritage of the cities.

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MediActivism aims to produce a series of activities and media contents making visible and scaling up debates related to the right to the city. Also, this project aims at producing an impact on the social awareness about housing and public space, connecting what happens at local, national and trans-local levels. By doing that, we aim to produce transformations in the cities we live in.

How does it work?

MediActivism is a project with six partners working in the same topics and formats from different parts of Europe: Krytyka Polityczna (Warsaw, Poland), Kurziv (Zagreb, Croatia), Les Tetes de l’art (Marseille, France), Fanzingo (Botkyrka, Sweden), ZEMOS98 (Seville, Spain) and European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam, Netherlands), which is the coordinator.

Each partner is producing a series of activities in the local context in the following three years: a hackcamp in which 30 persons will work in the production of prototypes answering to the needs of citizenship in relation to the difficulties of access to affordable housing and the privatization of public space; a Right to the City Lab in which six activists and media makers will plan and launch a communications campaign with a series of contents oriented to introduce in the media agenda those conflicts related to the right to the city issues; a public activity in which contents will be presented; and finally a European hackcamp where participants in the different contexts of the project will work together to find ties among different contexts.

This project is financed with an Erasmus+ grant.