Erhan Arik, 2010
"I had a dream. I’m in the house in Ardahan where I was born, a house ‘inherited’ from Armenians."
ViewErhan Arik, 2010
"I had a dream. I’m in the house in Ardahan where I was born, a house ‘inherited’ from Armenians."
ViewCansin Ruta, 2008
Everyone can perceive colors differently. Every culture has a color. Mine is white. But which white do you see?
ViewErhan Arik, 2011
Short documentary film is about an old woman and her memories about being 1 of the 2 survivors of brutal killings during the Armenian/Turkish war.
ViewMarie-Jo Cima / Chez Nous, 2009
Poetry rap about the death of a young man in Paris.
ViewTony Longe, 2012
A boy from Kennington, London recites a poem about art and mixes it with footage of his local area
ViewLuis Duran, 2009
A boy projects his feelings onto a snail
ViewHadjara Karamoko-Mercy / Chez Nous, 2012
A girl talks about her two mothers.
ViewNgoné Hajjar / Chez Nous, 2012
A black girl sits next to an old white man on the metro in Paris.
ViewVieru Dan Iulian, 2012
"My dream accomplished, and I'm still dreaming."
ViewSolomon Walter Kelly, 2006
Ahang Bashi, 2012
Ahang reflects about her hybrid Swedish-Iranian cultural identity.
ViewBogdan Palici & Matei Budes, 2006
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