Refika (no subtitle)
Ozge Deniz Ozker, 2012 | MODE Istanbul (Turkey)
“Does anyone know the story of Refika here?” The short documentary Refika by Ozge Deniz Ozker is a journey on both sides of the North Aegean in search of a woman called “Refika” whose photograph Ozge Deniz comes across in Adatepe, the old Greek village in Turkey where the Turks and Greeks lived together before the population exchange between the two people. Hearing different versions of the story about Refika and her love Nazmi, Ozge Deniz tries to find out which version is the real one. Who is the woman in the photograph? Who is Refika? Who writes history? Produced in 2012 as a part of the intercultural North Aegean Narratives project facilitated by MODE Istanbul and led by Istanbul Digital Culture and Arts Foundation. This work is part of Doc Next Network media collection. For more information visit