Video Recipe #8 Making an audio dictionary with young newcomers
ZEMOS98, 2018 | ZEMOS98 (Spain)
Synopsis: Are you working with audiovisual tools and narratives for newcomers? Are you interested in media literacy methodologies and techniques to teach audiovisual skills? This is an example of the series of short videos showing different angles on how media literacy can be tested in different contexts such as Poland, UK, Turkey, France, Netherlands, Croatia, Sweden and Spain. You’ll find a recipe for every context, we hope it works as an inspiration instead of a clear guide route. You can take whatever is useful for you and leave everything else behind. Context: This series of short animated recipe videos is the audiovisual result of the recipes published in the Recipe Book of Displaced in Media, a publication in which we gathered the most important learnings in terms of working with audiovisual tools and newcomers. Uses: Education, Activism