Office of Nothing-ism : The city is ours ! Certainly not yours !
The Office du Rienrisme of Marseille , Nina Haye, Samuel Wahl, 2020 | Les Têtes de l'Art (France)
The Office of Nothingism aims to bring to life a space of resistance in a for-profit city, no longer a mirror of itself but of its attributes deemed valuable in a global urban marketing ‘competition’. To do so, it produces a counter-discourse and, with a good dose of satire, raises questions about growing labellization in cities. The Office of Nothingism was an idea developed in November 2019 within the Mediactivism Marseille Hackcamp. Conceived during a reflection on the theme “Labelled Marseille: living together and gentrification”, the Office wishes to take a critical position confronted with the commodification of the city. This video shows how young people participating in Mediactivism activities in Marseille have decided to shape the local right to the city lab.